|1-aLaDDiN SAnE |1-Presents... |2-More crap about my |1-(lack of) |2-Love Life! Your probably pissed off with my continual whining about my "Affraires de coeurs" (Those seven years doing French at school were NOT wasted!), but it gives me a chance to sort things out in my head! You lot are my psychiatrists, if you like! That means you just have to repeat the last word or words in every sentence I say, like, if I say; "As a child, I was always being told off by my parents..." ...you say; "Your parents?" Geddit? They get paid to do that! Easy life! Anyhow, here we go! There is a girl in Grimsby who I think is a bit of a bird (ie fit!). Quite ironic, after all the derogatory jokes I have told on the subject of Grimsby girls! We've chatted a bit, and we get on really well, but she's got a boyfriend and, although I would like her to break up with him, I would prefer it if I wasn't the cause of said split! Hence the quandary I am now in. Do I actively try to split these two up, after all, I think he is blatantly not good enough for her, he's a total Gimp, and if she's gonna go out with a gimp, it might as well be me! Or, do I wait until they get bored of each other and split up anyway? What annoys me is, I've already found out about two other lasses who are interested in me! Funny how no-one's bothered about me when I don't fancy anyone else! I don't know! It's like waiting for a bus. I wait for ages and then three come along at once!!! May your bird be fit... aLaDDiN SAnE (1974 - 199?) End